Friday, May 18, 2007

What Does It Mean?

Being a "Latebloomer" is a new phenomenon in the Lesbian world. Evidentally there are masses of us women discovering that we are gay around the age of 50. What is it about, why is it happening? If you ask a dozen different women (and I have!) you'll get a dozen different answers.

A person told me that she saw a show on Oprah years ago in which a doctor talked about the phenomenon of women's sexual orientation changing as they approach menopause. As you can imagine, that fired me up and I've done tons of research ever since but can't find anything about it. If you look up menopause and sexual orientation online, it gives you all this conflicting information on how sexual women are after menopause ... nothing about switching teams.

I'm still trying to find out more about it because I HAVE to know - does the phenomenon reverse itself? It hasn't been my experience that it does. I guess I'm stuck like this. Not that I'm complaining, in fact I wouldn't choose to go back to being hetero for anything.

And that is what this blog will be about - making such a major life change so late in the game. I want to share my observations and experiences and welcome input from anyone else who is going through this.


Smith and Rose said...

Thank you for sharing.
I am 45 years old and just realizing all the different signs I have repressed over the years--- where my friends all knew and even called me a latent lesbian, which would surprise me...
I am currently married to a man-- whom we have been together for 5 years and he is the best man I have ever known. He cares about me so much-- I do not think I could ever leave him. Our sex life is not the greatest, but I would never tell him that.
I know in my heart-- I am at least bi-sexual because I have always found women very beautiful and have been attracted to them. I just never admitted it. I guess as I survey my life at in middle age--- I am realizing truths about myself and sorting this out. I do not know where it will go in the future...
Again, thank you.

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